Some Favorite Resources, Winter 2021

As January begins, I thought I’d share a few resources that I think are interesting and helpful. I hope one or more of these resonate with you.

  • The podcast LifeKit is so great! It’s an NPR podcast that is almost never longer than 20 minutes where they dig in to one topic by interviewing a couple of experts in the area they’re focusing on. The topics are timely and thoughtful and interesting. Some recent favorites have included coping with anxiety in a time of nonstop headlines, how to sleep better, how to learn to run, and how to start therapy. There are also fun ones like how to make a better cup of coffee, how to start a garden, or how to read more books. Sounds interesting, right? A great one to start with might be How to Start a New Habit.

  • Attachment theory is a long-studied, empirically-validated theory that states that our early childhood relationships with our primary attachment figure (for better or for worse, almost always our mother!) affects how we relate to friends, family, and intimate partners as adults. Getting to know about how attachment plays out in your life can be a powerful healing tool. There are a couple great books that provide an overview of attachment and how it affects us all. The first is “Attached” by Levine and Heller. This one focuses primarily on attachment’s role in romantic relationships. A more general overview is The Power of Attachment by Diane Poole Heller.

  • Another awesome book that is approachable and relevant is “Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle” by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski. It’s filled with fascinating research on burnout as well as tons of practical tips to help dig out from burnout. Of note, this book specifically focuses on female-identified peoples’ stress and stress responses.

Note: an earlier version of this post included a link in the last bullet point to the IG account of Nicole L*Pera. I have removed that recommendation since learning about this person’s deeply problematic treatment of BIPOC folks and her promotion of oppressive political ideas.